Everything you need to know about the Disney+ series in advance of the upcoming Season 3 premiere.
Ready your squadron! Star Wars: The Bad Batch is returning for its third and final season on February 21, only on Disney+. Need to refresh your databanks about every twist and turn over the past two seasons? StarWars.com has you covered.
(There are plenty of spoilers ahead for Seasons 1 and 2 of The Bad Batch, as well as for Star Wars: The Clone Wars, so tread lightly!)

Who Is The Bad Batch?
First introduced in their own arc in Season 7 of The Clone Wars, Clone Force 99 (also known colloquially as “The Bad Batch”) is a tight knit group of genetically altered clone troopers, each possessing their own unique skill set (or “desirable mutations”).
Though they historically operated as a four-unit squad, that would change. Below are the main players who have made up the Bad Batch at different points in time.
Hunter: The de-facto leader of the group. His honed tracking skills and fierce combat make him a formidable force on the battlefield.
Wrecker: An incredibly strong and a true warrior, but also possesses an incredible amount of heart and care for his family and friends.
Tech: A very important asset for the Republic due to his increased mental aptitude. Tech plans out incredible strategies for his team as an expert in military tactics.
Crosshair: A skilled, yet solemn, sharpshooter. He rarely misses his target.
Echo: Equipped with technological advancements, this former clone commander (CT-1409) is now able to plug into any network or communication outpost, providing incredible intelligence for his new team.
Omega: The young female clone who proves to be the heart of the squad.

Season 1:
During what seemed to be a relatively routine mission to the planet Kaller, the Bad Batch found themselves in the middle of Order 66. The clones around them began turning on their Jedi commanders, attempting to kill them. But, because the Batch had been genetically altered, the inhibitor chip planted in each of them did not function according to Emperor Palpatine’s grand plan. They helped Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume escape, and shakenly returned to their home planet of Kamino.
When they arrived at the watery world, their relatively routine lives had instantly changed. The Empire had taken over the Tipoca City facilities, and the once colorful clones were now all clad in stark white. Feeling out of place, and eventually put under siege, all of the members of the Bad Batch escaped from Kamino in their ship, the Marauder, except for Crosshair, who decided to stay behind, because “good soldiers follow orders.”

Along for this new adventure, however, was a mysterious clone named Omega, a young girl, who had been helping the Kaminoan scientist Nala Se in the cloning and medical facilities. Faced with her own death and the loss of the only place she had ever lived, Omega joined the Bad Batch, all now fugitives from the Empire.

Because of this decision, the Batchers traveled the galaxy in the Marauder, searching for odd jobs and credits, eventually going on various missions for Cid, a Trandoshan smuggler on Ord Mantell. Around them, the galaxy changed rapidly during this dawn of the Empire.
Their adventures culminated in an unspeakable tragedy: the fiery destruction of Tipoca City and Kamino by the Empire (although quickly covered up as a cataclysmic storm by the Imperial forces). The clones of the Bad Batch were left aimless and at a loss.

Season 2:
After going on numerous missions for Cid, including to Count Dooku’s homeworld of Serenno and to a high-speed race on Safa Toma, the Bad Batch started to feel listless and purposeless. Meanwhile, Crosshair, separated from his brothers, became more and more ingrained into the fledgling Empire. However, his haunting missions actually brought him closer and closer to doubting the direction of this new regime.
At the same time, the Empire had been tightening its grip across the galaxy, exploring new ways to increase its power. One such tactic, the redevelopment of Kaminoan cloning techniques, was underway at the mysterious Mount Tantiss. Because of their need for a purer genetic codex from Jango Fett, the hunt for Omega (revealed to be an unaltered clone of the bounty hunter, much like the infamous Boba Fett) only grew more paramount.

Clone Force 99 simply sought a peaceful life, away from all the missions and danger, leading them to the quiet island village of Pabu. However, a tsunami-like sea surge overtook the city, causing massive destruction. The Bad Batch helped their newfound friends, but it is a final, devastating mission to Eriadu, carrying out “Plan 99” in order to rescue Crosshair that ends in tragedy. During the mission, Tech fell from a tram car. Losing one of their brothers, the Bad Batch became enraged, only more so when Cid betrayed them, leading Omega into the Empire’s clutches.

Omega found herself in the facilities within Mount Tantiss, surrounded by Imperial scientists and doctors, as well as Crosshair (also detained). One such doctor, Emerie Karr, revealed to the young girl that they are sisters!

Who’s Who in The Bad Batch:
During their many adventures and missions, Clone Force 99 has encountered many an ally and foe in a galaxy far, far away. Some of these friends have included:
Rex: Once a brave captain for the Republic, he is now a secretive operative for a burgeoning rebellion against the Empire.
Phee Genoa: An adventuring associate of Cid, she ends up becoming a trustworthy companion to the Batch (especially to Tech).
Riyo Chuchi: The Senator from Pantora, she is one of the fiercest advocates of clones across the galaxy, attempting to secure benefits and rights.
Nala Se: As Chief Medical Scientist on Kamino, she became incredibly close with Omega, but is detained by the Empire because of her vast knowledge of cloning.
AZI-3: A former Republic medical droid, AZ serves as an unofficial member of the Bad Batch, often going on missions with them or remaining at Cid’s Parlor for further reconnaissance.
Mayday: A loyal soldier of the Republic and then Galactic Empire who is paired with Crosshair on a dangerous mission.

Of course, it’s not all friendly faces in the galaxy. As the Empire ascends, so too does the evil hunting for Omega:
Vice Admiral Rampart: As Governor Tarkin and Emperor Palpatine attempt to shorten their leash on their new dominion, Rampart simply wants to gain even more control.
Cad Bane: A merciless bounty hunter, he tracks Omega (successfully) on behalf of the Empire.
Dr. Hemlock: In charge of the Imperial cloning effort on Mount Tantiss, the sullen scientist is hard at work crafting new terrors for the Empire.

Some of the most memorable episodes of the first two seasons of The Bad Batch featured surprise guest stars from every pocket of the larger Star Wars saga:
Hera Syndulla (and Chopper): Before she became a member of Phoenix Squadron, Hera bonds with a similarly-aged Omega on Ryloth.
Fennec Shand: Another familiar bounty hunter in the pursuit of Omega, her expert skills come into handy while attempting to first apprehend then rescue the young clone.
Rafa and Trace: This sister duo bumps into Clone Force 99 while on the hunt for the same head of a tactical droid, and soon become great allies for the cause.
Gungi: Once a Wookiee Padawan, he manages to escape Clone Force 99, only to be captured by the droids of the Vanguard Axis. He is freed by the Batch, and returned to Kashyyyk.
Gregor: Rescued by the Bad Batch from the secret TK training facility on Daro, the former clone commander soon becomes a leading member of a clone resistance against the Empire.
The first two seasons have features even more amazing character appearances, including Orson Krennic and Saw Gerrera (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story), Taun We and Lama Su (Star Wars: Attack of the Clones), and Commander Cody and Mas Amedda (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith).
As for who we might see in Season 3, the trailer has revealed that one major character will be making a very welcome return…

Season 3:
There are so many questions left to answer for fans going into the third and final season. Who is the mysterious Emerie Karr, also created from the genetic template of Jango Fett? What is really happening on Mount Tantiss? And what will happen to Crosshair and Omega?
All of this, and so much more, will be revealed during Season 3 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, kicking off February 21 on Disney+ with a three-episode premiere.
See you there, soldiers.