The final season begins with Clone Force 99 scattered, but not without hope.
The final season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch is here! In Bad Batch Declassified, we’ll explore our favorite moments from each episode, available only on Disney+. Armor up and join us for the ride.
Spoiler warning: This article discusses details and plot points from the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode, “Confined.”
It’s been a long road for the Bad Batch. Misfit heroes of the Republic turned outlaw renegades in the age of the Empire, their lives have come to center around survival and finding purpose. They’ve seen amazing victories. Narrow escapes. Tragic losses. All of it hard, all of it incredible to watch.
The long-awaited final season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch is finally here, kicking off with “Confined,” which picks up with Omega and Crosshair adjusting to their new lives as prisoners in Dr. Hemlock’s Imperial research facility. Omega longs for her brothers and escape, but remains unsinkable; Crosshair is a shell of himself, seemingly resigned to his fate. Meanwhile, the sinister Hemlock looms over the episode, his mysterious research always in the viewer’s mind. Though “Confined” is aptly named, sparks of kindness and spirit show that hope is never lost — and the story of the Bad Batch is not over. Here are five highlights.

1. “I never knew that I had a sister. It’s nice not being alone.”
In the first act of “Confined,” we catch up with Omega and get a glimpse into her life in Hemlock’s research facility. It’s a solemn, lonely existence, but her ability to look for the good in any situation — and anyone — shines through in this exchange with Emerie.

2. Nala Se’s secret.
Emerie has been conducting research on Omega that she claims is standard procedure. (Yeah, right!) Nala Se secretly protects the young clone from whatever Hemlock may be seeking, but how long can this subterfuge last?

3. Connecting with Crosshair.
When we meet Crosshair, also captive in Hemlock’s facility, he seems broken. The sharpshooter lumbers around when allowed out of his cell, and seems haunted by his choices when visited by Omega, claiming that he deserves to be locked up. “None of us belong in here,” Omega says, determined to escape with her brother. The two are complete opposites, with different outlooks on their situation and life; indeed, Omega is willing to forgive Crosshair, even if he won’t give himself the same grace. Watching them interact and wrestle with these issues is fascinating.

4. Meet Batcher!
Omega makes a new friend: a lurca hound she’s named Batcher. When it’s decided that Batcher is to be put down, Omega risks everything to save her — deftly destroying an aggressive droid in the process. Once a member of the Bad Batch, always a member of the Bad Batch.

5. A gift from Emerie.
Earlier in the episode, Emerie confiscates a tooka doll that Omega had made in secret, as no possessions are allowed. But after Hemlock confines the young girl to quarters, Emerie quietly returns it to her little sister. It’s a surprising act of kindness from the stoic clone scientist and, maybe more importantly, a break with command.