Check out all the big announcements for Star Wars books and comics.

Lucasfilm Publishing delivered a one-two punch this weekend at New York Comic-Con 2022. Yesterday saw a panel devoted to Star Wars: The High Republic, offering fans a look at the future of the storytelling initiative, and today we were treated to "Star Wars: Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away," a discussion centered on what's to come in books and comics for the larger saga. Hosted by Lucasfilm Publishing creative director Michael Siglain and featuring's own Kristin Baver, Adam Christopher, Delilah S. Dawson, Marc Guggenheim, Ethan Sacks, and Alyssa Wong, the panel delivered several exciting announcements, including a new Inquisitor novel and Sana Starros comic mini-series, along with enough first looks to fill a space cruiser. Check out all the highlights below.

1. Meet Iskat, a ruthless Inquisitor, in Delilah S. Dawson's Rise of the Red Blade novel.
One of the panel's biggest announcements, Rise of the Red Blade will tell the story of Iskat, a Jedi survivor of Order 66 that turns to the dark side, joining the Inquisitors with the hope of uncovering the truth about her past. Iskat's hunt begins when Rise of the Red Blade arrives in 2023.

2. Sana Starros will star (pun intended!) in her own Marvel mini-series.
Finally! The fan-favorite rogue (who has (complicated) history with both Han Solo and Doctor Aphra) steps out in her first solo comic, written by Justina Ireland and coming in February 2023. Check out the regular cover by Sara Pichelli, Ken Lashley's variant cover, and two interiors above.

3. New Star Wars: Revelations covers and interiors revealed.
Marvel's upcoming landmark one-shot promises to chart a course for the future of Star Wars comics. Four new covers were revealed at NYCC, including variants by Peach Momoko, Bryan Hitch and Alex Sinclair, Jim Cheung, and Caspar Wijngaard, all featuring different characters. Time to make room in the long box.

4. Vader versus Valance and more from Marvel's February 2023 Star Wars comics.
The panel revealed three covers for Marvel Star Wars comics landing in February, including Ema Lupacchino's illustration for Doctor Aphra #29, featuring a very-much-possessed-by-the-Spark-Eternal Chelli Aphra, and Phil Noto's movie-poster like image for Han Solo & Chewbacca #9. Both powerful works, but we're especially intrigued Giuseppe Camuncoli's cover for Bounty Hunters #31, in which Darth Vader and Beilert Valance seem to be having something of a disagreement.

5. We got a peek inside Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi.
The upcoming in-universe guide to Star Wars: The High Republic looks to be rewarding for current readers as well as a good jumping-on point. Featuring beautiful new artwork and written by Cole Horton, spreads shown in the panel discussed the Republic Fair, the High Council, and character studies by Ario Anindito.

6. Channel your inner General Grievous: Star Wars: The High Republic: The Lightsaber Collection is on the way.
Coming April 2023, this follow-up to 2020's Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection will focus on Jedi weapons of the High Republic era. Along with the official reveal came a first look at the cover. For light and life...and lightsabers!

7. An up-close look at a Star Wars musical instrument...handmade by Yoda.
Taken from Kristin Baver's upcoming Star Wars: 100 Objects, this spread features Yoda's blissl, a pipe instrument he can be seen wearing in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Hey, he had a lot of time to kill on Dagobah.

8. The intricacies of Star Wars Timelines.
An ambitious book, Star Wars Timelines will tell the full story of the Star Wars saga in chronological order, covering movies, series, comics, books, and more. The spread shown centers around the early days of the New Republic, including Luke Skywalker's training of new Jedi, Poe Dameron's misadventures, and more. It seems like the type of book you can pore over for hours, devouring hundreds, if not thousands, of details. Look for Star Wars Timelines in stores on February 7, 2023.