Lightspeed included!
The summer days may be getting hotter, but Fantasy Flight Games is staying cool with the release of several expansion packs for X-Wing Miniatures and Star Wars Imperial Assault. Check out a special preview below, including images and descriptions!
X-Wing: Wave VII
SLAM into the middle of your enemy’s starfighters. Pummel your foes with plasma torpedoes and ion bombs. Eliminate everyone who would come between you and your bounty! The explosive seventh wave of X-Wing starship expansions introduces new starships to each of the game’s three factions, including two for the Scum and Villainy faction and one each for the Rebels and Imperials.
- Hound’s Tooth Expansion Pack
- Kihraxz Fighter Expansion Pack
- K-wing Expansion Pack
- TIE Punisher Expansion Pack
X-Wing: Hound’s Tooth Expansion Pack – $39.95
A modified YV-666 light freighter, Hound’s Tooth was the signature vessel of one of the galaxy’s most notorious bounty hunters and slavers, the fearsome Trandoshan Bossk.
The Hound’s Tooth Expansion Pack brings this infamous freighter to life as a towering, large-base miniature starship for the Scum and Villainy faction, rendered at the game’s standard 1/270 scale. You’ll also find four YV-666 ship cards, a new mission, and 13 upgrades, including the Hound’s Tooth Title, which allows your YV-666 pilot to survive imminent destruction by escaping aboard the Nashtah Pup, a unique Z-95 Headhunter. The Hound’s Tooth Expansion Pack also comes with a ship card for the Nashtah Pup and the rules for deploying it, though to fly it, you’ll need the miniature starship from the Most Wanted Expansion Pack or the Z-95 Headhunter Expansion Pack.
X-Wing: Kihraxz Fighter Expansion Pack – $14.95
Modeled after Incom’s popular X-wing starfighter, the versatile Kihraxz was developed specifically for the Black Sun crime syndicate, whose highly-paid ace pilots demanded a nimble, powerful ship to match their skills. It arrives to X-Wing as a well-rounded, small-base, Scum and Villainy starship with three attack, two agility, four hull, and one shield. You gain one of these miniature starfighters in the Kihraxz Fighter Expansion Pack, carefully pre-painted and sculpted at the game’s standard 1/270 scale. Additionally, the Kihraxz Fighter Expansion Pack comes with four ship cards, five upgrades, a maneuver dial, and all the tokens you need to fly this fighter into any battle in which the galaxy’s Scum have a vested interest.
X-Wing: K-wing Expansion Pack – $19.95
A heavily armed bomber that could double as an escort or reconnaissance vessel, the Rebellion’s K-wing was frequently flown on strafing runs against planetary targets and slow-moving capital ships. In X-Wing, the K-wing’s surprising acceleration, heavy armor plating, and devastating ordnance make it an outstanding ship for hit-and-run operations. Its four shields and five hull make it one of the game's most durable small-base fighters, and it pairs this durability with a primary turret weapon that boasts an attack value of “2.” On top of this, the ship comes with the new SLAM action, which allows it to race across the battlefield and deploy its bombs at an unprecedented speed. In addition to its pre-painted K-wing miniature, sculpted at 1/270 scale, the K-wing Expansion Pack comes with four ship cards and nine upgrades that dramatically improve the efficiency of your ordnance.
X-Wing: TIE Punisher Expansion Pack – $19.95
A beefier version of the TIE bomber, the TIE punisher built upon that starfighter’s success by adding shielding, a second bomb chute, and three additional ordnance pods -- each equipped with a twin ion engine. It arrives to X-Wing as a devastating Imperial starship in the TIE Punisher Expansion Pack, accompanied by four ship cards and a punishing array of nine explosive upgrades, with which you can obliterate your enemies. In addition to boasting a slightly larger payload than the TIE bomber, the TIE punisher invites Imperial players to perfect their bombing skills by taking advantage of both its innate boost action and its ability to equip a system upgrade like Advanced Sensors. With Advanced Sensors, the TIE punisher can boost into position to drop a bomb right in front of an enemy fighter, and then it can immediately perform its maneuver to fly away.
Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Twin Shadows Expansion & Figure Packs
“If there’s a bright center to the universe, you’re on the planet that it’s farthest from.” –Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: A New Hope
The Galactic Civil War touches every planet eventually, even those on the galaxy’s Outer Rim. Now, the war has come to the desert planet of Tatooine. Long dominated by the galaxy’s Scum and Villainy, a growing Imperial presence on Tatooine has prompted the Rebellion to send Han Solo with R2-D2 and C-3PO to investigate. But communications with Han Solo have been cut off, and your elite team of Rebel operatives is dispatched to uncover the truth.
The search for Han Solo, R2-D2, and C-3PO leads to the introduction of the Twin Shadows campaign expansion for Star Wars: Imperial Assault. You’ll find new missions, dangers, and units, as there’s plenty of new content for both the campaign and skirmish games.
Meanwhile, three new Ally Packs and Villain Packs offer detailed plastic figures to replace tokens included in Twin Shadows. With these expansions, you can provide figures for the iconic heroes and villains introduced in this expansion: the loyal Droids R2-D2 and C-3PO, the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett, or the Stormtrooper commander, Kayn Somos.
Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Twin Shadows Expansion – $39.95
Twin Shadows is a new expansion for Imperial Assault, offering plenty of new content for both the campaign and skirmish games. Danger lurks around every corner in this expansion: Twin Shadows boasts six new missions that can be played as side missions for a larger campaign. These missions can also be strung together as a fully formed mini-campaign chronicling your efforts to rescue Han Solo and survive the danger that waits on Tatooine. In addition, this expansion introduces two new skirmish missions, offering new opportunities for you to battle a friend in thrilling tactical battles.
As the shadows grow on Tatooine, two new heroes from the Rebel Alliance prepare for battle against new threats like Heavy Stormtroopers and Tusken Raiders. With new Command cards, Agenda cards, Condition cards, Class cards, and Supply cards, your games of Imperial Assault change forever with Twin Shadows. In addition, 12 new double-sided map tiles draw you deeper into the Star Wars universe. You may find yourself on the bridge of an Imperial Star Destroyer or engaged in a firefight in a Mos Eisley cantina.
Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Boba Fett Villain Pack – $9.95
Embark on thrilling new Imperial Assault missions with one of the galaxy’s most formidable bounty hunters: Boba Fett! With this deadly bounty hunter at your side, you can bring Boba Fett’s fearless inventiveness and vicious skills to every mission -- assuming you can afford to hire him.
Like other Villain Packs, the Boba Fett Villain Pack offers essential new cards and missions for both the campaign and skirmish games, alongside a detailed plastic figure required for fielding Boba Fett in Imperial Assault tournaments. For the skirmish game, this expansion offers new Command cards that open powerful new strategies and a new skirmish map with two unique missions. The Imperial player in a campaign game also gains access to a new side mission and a three-card Agenda set to hunt the heroes throughout the campaign.
Star Wars: Imperial Assault – R2-D2 and C-3PO Ally Pack – $12.95
From the earliest days of the Rebellion, and even before, two Droids have been at the heart of dramatic events across the galaxy. Their actions have even helped to shape events on a galactic scale. These Droids are R2-D2 and C-3PO, and you can introduce these iconic Droids to your games of Imperial Assault with the R2-D2 and C-3PO Ally Pack!
Like other Ally Packs, the R2-D2 and C-3PO Ally Pack offers essential new cards and missions for both the campaign and skirmish games alongside two detailed plastic figures required for fielding R2-D2 and C-3PO in Imperial Assault tournaments. For the skirmish game, this expansion offers Command cards that open powerful new strategies and a new skirmish map with two unique missions. The Rebel heroes in a campaign game also gain a new side mission and the ability to field these two plucky Droids as allies.
Star Wars: Imperial Assault – Kayn Somos Villain Pack – $9.95

Stormtroopers are trained to be brutal soldiers, working tirelessly to squelch any sign of resistance to the ways of the Empire. Kayn Somos is an especially vicious Stormtrooper commander, and now, you can bring his tactical expertise and fearless style of warfare to your games of Imperial Assault.
Like other Villain Packs, the Kayn Somos Villain Pack offers essential new cards and missions for both the campaign and skirmish games, alongside a detailed plastic figure required for fielding Kayn Somos in Imperial Assault tournaments. For the skirmish game, this expansion offers new Command cards that open powerful new strategies and a new skirmish map with two unique missions. The Imperial player in a campaign game also gains access to a new side mission and a three-card Agenda set that flexes the might of the Empire even outside of missions.
Star Wars: The Card Game – Jump to Lightspeed Force Pack – $14.95
“Fast ship? You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon?” –Han Solo, Star Wars: A New Hope
Once, the vast gaps between stars and planets imprisoned each species in its own solar system. The discovery of hyperdrive brought the stars within reach, and you can use that to your advantage with Jump to Lightspeed, the final Force Pack in the Rogue Squadron cycle for Star Wars: The Card Game!
The 60 new cards in this Force Pack bring the Rogue Squadron cycle to a triumphant conclusion with new ace Pilots and bleeding-edge Vehicles for you to harness. This expansion contains 10 new objective sets (two copies each of five unique sets), bringing new dogfights and lightspeed travel to every affiliation. You can blast into hyperspace with Han Solo in the Millennium Falcon, fly with the heroes of the Rebellion, or give into your anger to gain the power of the Sith. Make the stars your destination, and Jump to Lightspeed! All Star Wars, all the time.