The notorious Lourna Dee returns in a new story from Cavan Scott.
When it comes to Lourna Dee and the Jedi Order…it’s complicated. And it’s about to get even more so. is excited to announce Star Wars: The High Republic: Tempest Breaker, a new audiobook original written by Cavan Scott. Coming December 3 from Random House Audio (with physical and eBook editions of the script following in spring 2025), the tale finds the Jedi joining forces with marauder Lourna Dee of the Nihil. The audiobook original will feature a full cast in style of classic audio dramas, similar to past releases The Battle of Jedha, Doctor Aphra, and Scott’s own Dooku: Jedi Lost and Tempest Runner, the latter also starring Lourna. You can get a first look at the cover below.

Dee, a Twi’lek descendant of Ryloth nobility, left her family behind to join the Nihil, rising to the rank of Tempest Runner and becoming one of Nihil leader Marchion Ro’s top lieutenants. Violent and unpredictable, Dee has been a thorn in the side of the Jedi, even attempting to assassinate the Chancellor; but recently, Dee and the Jedi have come to something of an understanding, especially as Lourna’s relationship with Ro has soured. It all leads to Tempest Breaker, and caught up with Scott, one of the original architects of The High Republic storytelling initiative, for a few more details. Tell us a bit more about where we find Lourna Dee at the start of Tempest Breaker — she’s already had quite the journey.
Cavan Scott: Those who've been following the Marvel Star Wars: The High Republic comic will have seen Lourna Dee throwing her lot in with the Jedi, specifically the recently elevated Jedi Master Keeve Trennis. At first the alliance was forced upon her, the Jedi strong-arming Lourna into being their guide as they plunged into the Nihil Occlusion Zone. But over time, we've seen a growing — and grudging — respect forming between Lourna and her Jedi... captors? No, that's not right. Neither is jailers. Piece by piece they are slowly becoming a team. The question is how long will Lourna allow that alliance to last. Until she escapes? Or until she gets what she really wants — a chance to face her former associate Marchion Ro. This audio drama is that story. Lourna Dee has a complicated relationship with the Jedi. What can readers expect from Lourna having to team up with them?
Cavan Scott: Sparks will fly, especially as Keeve's group grows with the addition of Avar Kriss, the former Marshal of Starlight who nearly took Lourna's head, only stopping with the Twi'lek's hand when Keeve intervened. There's plenty of banter, some of it well-meaning, the majority of it biting as Lourna finally faces the consequences of her past crimes. And not just crimes against the Jedi. Those who enjoyed our first Lourna Dee audio drama, Tempest Runner, will hear some familiar voices on the way and she comes up against old friends, foes, and lovers. Where does Marchion Ro fit into that mix? Well, you'll have to listen to find out. This is your third audio original project for Star Wars — after Dooku: Jedi Lost, and Tempest Runner. What most excites you about telling stories in this format?
Cavan Scott: I love the renaissance that audio drama has had over the last few years, with more and more fans of storytelling rediscovering how exciting, compelling, and often heart-stopping these “movies for your ears” can be. It's a medium I've loved since I was a kid and have had the privilege to work in for nearly quarter of a century. With the best directors, actors and sound-engineers, audio drama can give you cinematic thrills that rival anything you see on the big screen, while also providing the most intimate of moments between characters, your imagination working with the cast and crew to create something utterly magical. If you've never experienced an audio drama then I urge you to try one of these Star Wars originals, including Sarah Kuhn's Doctor Aphra and George Mann's The Battle of Jedha. Once you've been bitten by the audio bug there's no going back!