As Crimson Dawn suffers Palpatine’s wrath, both parties regroup.
Qi’ra has the Emperor’s attention. For better or worse.
In the first issue of Star Wars: Hidden Empire, the new miniseries that will close Marvel’s unofficial Qi’ra trilogy, the Crimson Dawn leader struck against the Empire. The Emperor responded in kind, obliterating their flagship, the Vermillion. But Qi’ra has an ace up her sleeve: the Fermata Cage. This ancient artifact housed a Sith Lord, which she hopes to use to finally destroy the Sith. has a first look at Hidden Empire #2, in which Qi’ra and the Emperor recalibrate their strategies, and the activation of the Fermata Cage has sent a ripple through the Force…
Hidden Empire #1, written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Steven Cummings, with a cover by Paulo Siqueira and Rachelle Rosenberg, arrives November 30 and is available for pre-order now on ComiXology and at your local comic shop.