Revisit some of the best lines from the Disney+ Original series.
An abundance of memorable lines filled the acclaimed first season of Andor, now streaming on Disney+. From simple chants like “one way out” to lengthy explorations of freedom and oppression from a dreamer-turned-rebel, every one of the statements on this list captures the rebellious spirit of Andor. They’re also thought-provoking and highly quotable.
Revisit Andor and memorize your new favorite Star Wars quote with the list below!
Spoiler warning: This article contains major spoilers for Andor Season 1.

1. “I don’t need any surprises.” — Cassian Andor
Oh, Cassian, the surprises are just beginning. The future rebel has been scraping by day-to-day and barely flying under the radar. Little does Cassian know that his life is about to take a dramatic turn that will put him squarely in the Empire’s sights. (“Kassa,” Episode 1)

2. “Corporate Tactical Forces are the Empire's first line of defense and the best way to keep the blade sharp is to use it.” — Sergeant Mosk
While it might be a bit of a mixed metaphor, the callousness behind Mosk’s words is chilling. The casual threat to use power or violence on whoever might get in the way of authority proves that the Empire’s severe methods have been accepted in much of the galaxy. (“That Would Be Me,” Episode 2)

3. “You just walk in like you belong.” — Cassian Andor
Time and time again the Empire’s overconfidence that the rebels aren’t a threat proves to be its undoing. Cassian exploits that weakness. Whether it’s to grab a N-S9 Starpath Unit to sell for some credits or to steal the plans to the Death Star, Cassian knows it’s a strategy that works. (“Reckoning,” Episode 3)

4. “That’s what a reckoning sounds like.” — Maarva Andor
The clanging that rings out across Ferrix is more than a distraction. It’s an announcement that the people of Ferrix are united and look out for each other despite the tight grip of the Empire or anyone else who would threaten them. Maarva has a feeling the fight is just starting. (“Reckoning,” Episode 3)

5. “Must everything be boring and sad?” — Perrin Fertha
Mon Mothma and her husband Perrin couldn’t be more different. While Perrin whines about the guest list for their next grand dinner party, Mon bears the weight of planets on her shoulders. The two Chandrilans might live under the same roof, but their worlds are a galaxy apart. (“Aldhani,” Episode 4)

6. “You might as well wear a sign that says, ‘I promise to disappoint you.’” — Eedy Karn
Everything you need to know about Syril’s mother is encapsulated in this one stinging barb. (“The Axe Forgets,” Episode 5)

7. “The pace of repression outstrips our ability to understand it.” — Karis Nemik
Nemik is a true believer in the uprising against the Empire. A pensive soul, Nemik is willing to share his extensive thoughts on freedom and revolution to just about anyone who will listen. Cassian might not realize it, but he’s taking his first steps toward the Rebellion thanks to Nemik’s fervent speech. (“The Axe Forgets,” Episode 5)

8. “Oh, I’m a rebel. It’s just me against everybody else.” — Arvel Skeen
After barely escaping from Aldhani in one piece, Skeen shows his true colors when he offers Cassian a chance to take the money and run. Unlike Nemik or Vel, Skeen wasn’t in it for lofty dreams of rebellion or liberty; he just wants the cash. We might never know how much of his story was the truth. (“The Eye,” Episode 6)

9. “I’ve learned from Palpatine. I show you the stone in my hand, you miss the knife at your throat.” — Mon Mothma
If there’s anyone who knows how play the long game, it’s Sheev Palpatine. Mon Mothma reveals she’s taken a page out of the Emperor’s book by concealing her true nature from the galaxy. The future leader of the Rebellion is hiding in plain sight — but how much longer can she keep up the ruse? (“Announcement,” Episode 7)

10. “That’s just love. Nothing you can do about that.” — Maarva Andor
When Cassian tells Maarva that he’ll always worry about her, she can’t help giving him a teary-eyed smile. It’s a feeling parents know all too well. (“Announcement,” Episode 7)

11. “Wait, I’m just a tourist!” — Cassian Andor
Cassian is a smooth-talking thief, but even he can’t hide his surprise at the injustice following his swift arrest on Niamos. All he can do is shout “Wait, I’m just tourist!” in disbelief. (“Announcement,” Episode 7)

12. “Can one ever be too aggressive in preserving order?” — Syril Karn
If a single quote could sum up Syril Karn and what drives him, this would be the one. (“Narkina 5,” Episode 8)

13. “The very worst thing you can do right now is bore me.” — Dedra Meero
Dedra’s cruel nature comes to the forefront as she interrogates Bix Calleen. Dedra is a merciless Imperial officer through and through. She proves she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get the information she wants — without remorse. (“Nobody’s Listening!” Episode 9)

14. “You think they care what we say? Nobody’s listening. Nobody.” — Cassian Andor
Cassian has been paying attention since the moment he arrived at the Narkina 5 prison facility. The same can’t be said for the guards, as Cassian’s shout demonstrates. Understaffed and completely unconcerned about the prisoners’ well-being, the guards don’t bother keeping tabs on anything but quotas. (“Nobody’s Listening!” Episode 9)

15. “Never more than 12.” — Kino Loy
He’s in. After repeatedly brushing off Cassian and his attempts to concoct an escape, Kino Loy has realized the truth. He and the other prisoners are never getting out of the facility. He’s kept his eyes and ears open as well, and Cassian needs his help for the plan to be a success. (“Nobody’s Listening!” Episode 9)

16. “I’d rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want.” — Cassian Andor
This remarkable line of dialogue foreshadows the fate of Cassian in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It also has an obvious effect on Kino Loy, as Cassian’s passionate words so often do on those around him. (“One Way Out,” Episode 10)

17. “There is only one way out.” — Kino Loy
The only way out is rebellion — not just for the prisoners of Narkina 5, but for Mon Mothma, Luthen Rael, and the entire galaxy held under the Emperor’s thumb. (“One Way Out,” Episode 10)

18. “I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see.” — Luthen Rael
Luthen Rael lays it all out for his inside man as well as the audience, and we’re left breathless. Luthen never allows himself the luxury of fooling himself about the unpleasant work he does or the people he hurts. He’s willing to sacrifice himself and any chance at happiness for the good of the galaxy. Luthen is a rebel through and through. (“One Way Out,” Episode 10)

19. “I can’t swim.” — Kino Loy
Heartbreak in just three words. Kino knew all along what waited for him at the end of their escape but fought for his fellow inmates anyway. Before Cassian even has a chance to formulate a new plan to get Kino safely out of the prison facility, he’s knocked into the water below. (“One Way Out,” Episode 10)

20. “Fight the Empire!” — Maarva Andor
Maarva risked staying on Ferrix despite the Empire’s presence to share her final words with the community she loved. With her final act, she inspires revolution. Maarva’s message might be broadcast to the crowd at her funeral, but it feels like her call for rebellion is directed squarely at her son Cassian. And he hears her. (“Rix Road,” Episode 12)