Plus, get a first look inside Age of Resistance -- Rose Tico featuring the brave mechanic and her sister, Paige.
Before they were heroes of the Resistance, Rey and Rose Tico were just trying to find their way in the galaxy. Next week, we’ll see these characters in a whole new light through Marvel Star Wars stories set before Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
After the events on Starkiller Base, Rey grapples with witnessing Han Solo’s death and confides in the one person who best understands the need for hope in the darkest and most desperate hour -- General Leia Organa.
Meanwhile, we’ll step back in time to get a glimpse of the enduring connection between sisters Rose and Paige Tico as they explore the galaxy beyond their homeworld of Hays Minor.
Written by Tom Taylor with art by Ramon Rosanas and with covers by Phil Noto, Age of Resistance -- Rose Tico #1 and Age of Resistance -- Rey #1 hit shelves September 18. And has an exclusive sneak peek at both issues below!
Age of Resistance -- Rey #1
Search for Skywalker! After Han Solo’s fall, Rey searched for Luke Skywalker. But before Luke, there was Leia. Witness never-before-seen moments between Rey and General Organa. What will Rey, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 encounter on the way to find Leia’s missing brother?
Age of Resistance -- Rose Tico #1
“My hero.” Sisters. Friends. Co-pilots. Growing up, Rose and Paige Tico were everything to each other. Until the First Order tore their world apart. See the bond between Rose and Paige before it was forever broken.
See Age of Resistance and more on this week's episode of The Star Wars Show below! All Star Wars, all the time.
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