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It sports a pair of pivoting laser cannons on each wingtip. The starfighters of Green Squadron, which flew in the Battle of Endor, were made up of A-wing starfighters. The A-wing continued to evolve, and was part of the Resistance’s starfighter corps during its fight against the First Order. default A-wing trainer (RZ-1T) The RZ-1T, an A-wing trainer, featured room for two passengers, allowing for novice pilots to have an instructor on board. It was developed in the early days of the rebellion against the Empire, and used by Kanan and Ezra of the Ghost team. default Admiral Kassius Konstantine Admiral Kassius Konstantine was a leading officer on an Imperial Star Destroyer. Konstantine, however, ultimately answered to the Inquisitor, and took his ship wherever the Jedi hunter ordered him to. default Agamar A barren world of frost and rock, Agamar was the site of a Clone Wars battle between the Republic and Separatists. Years after the end of the war, Clone War veteran Captain Rex and a band of rebels visited the planet searching for weapons, and encountered a still-active reserve of Separatist droids. The Super Tactical Droid commander demanded they have one last battle to decide the war, but the groups ultimately joined forces to take on a common enemy: the Empire. default Ahsoka Tano Na'vi Name: Former Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano once served as the Padawan learner to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. A respected leader and warrior attuned to the light side of the Force, Ahsoka grew into a formidable fighter before the Empire’s reign changed the course of galactic history. Although she walked away from the Jedi Order, she continued to stand up for those fighting for peace and justice in the galaxy long after the fall of the Republic. default Ahsoka's lightsabers Na'vi Name: As a Padawan, Ahsoka Tano used a green-bladed lightsaber, often wielding it in a non-standard reverse grip. Under the tutelage of Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka became a skilled duelist, and built a second green-bladed lightsaber with a shorter, shoto-style blade. She used this shorter-bladed lightsaber to complement her primary weapon. During her time with the rebellion, Ahsoka used a pair of new lightsabers with white plasma blades. default Alderaan Cruiser Na'vi Name: Both Bail Organa and his adoptive daughter, Princess Leia, used their position in the Senate to benefit their heartfelt causes of freedom and to aid those that desperately needed it in war-weary times. Their consular vessels were afforded diplomatic immunity due to their ambassadorial status, and frequently ran mercy missions into dangerous territory. Bail's vessels of choice ranged from a streamlined diplomatic cruiser to the more rugged, war-ready Tantive IV that served as his transport to Toydaria during the Clone Wars. Alderaan cruisers were a key part of the rebel task force that rescued Kanan Jarrus from Mustafar, marking an escalation of anti-Imperial activities in the Outer Rim. default Alexsandr Kallus Formerly an officer of the Imperial Security Bureau, Alexsandr Kallus defected from the Empire and now serves the Rebellion. A smart strategist and able warrior, he fights to free the galaxy of tyranny alongside his friends on the Ghost crew. default Alora During his reign, the Emperor looked to destroy all opposition to his power. Any Jedi could be a threat to him, so the Inquisitors were tasked with hunting down all Force-sensitive children. Alora, just a baby and strong with the Force, was tracked by the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister on a civilian ship. The two dark warriors took the baby from her grandmother’s arms, but the Inquisitors would not complete this mission. Ahsoka Tano and the Ghost crew intervened, eventually returning Alora to her family. default Alrich Wren Father of rebel Sabine and husband of Ursa, Alrich Wren is a proud Mandalorian. When Clan Wren broke from the Empire, he was held captive in retaliation, but was ultimately rescued by his daughter. Alrich, along with Clan Wren, now stands united with Mandalore under Bo-Katan Kryze. He is also knowledgable of the arts, both proud and critical of Sabine's work. default Alton Kastle A journalist for HoloNet News, Alton Kastle was regarded by the Imperial citizens of Lothal as a trustworthy, even comforting source of information. Those in the know scoffed that Kastle's reports were Imperial propaganda -- their primary purpose was to maintain order in the name of the Empire, not to tell the truth or anything close to it. Show More Loading...