As an actress, you get used to change, and attachments are never easy to form because you are constantly going from job to job. However, as I sit here writing about The Clone Wars reaching 100 episodes, I feel so blessed to have spent the past 7 years of my life working on the same show with the same cast and crew. They have become my family and, it's too late, I've definitely become attached. I have so many amazing memories from the past several years and as I look back, I wanted to share some of my favorite photos with you!
I'll begin with this photo because this is where it all started! After two years of working on the show, we finally got to share our "secret project" with the world at the movie premiere! We had no idea of the ride that we were about to go on. This photo is also very dear to me because I am right next to Ian Abercrombie. I feel so blessed to have worked with such an amazing man.
I have to start with this photo because the AMAZING Joel Aron took this shot of us at Star Wars Celebration V. We all look so serious!
Another cast photo from SWCV by the amazing Joel Aron! I love this one too!
We looked so serious in the cast photos but this is what it was really like behind the scenes! We are constantly laughing and cutting up!
In a cast full of boys, Cat Taber and I are often the only girls! We've enjoyed coordinating outfits for events!
Lynne Hale had the most amazing dinner party for us at Skywalker Ranch! This photo was taken on the steps of the Main House!
One year, we had a press junket up at Big Rock on my birthday! They surprised me with cupcakes! It was one of the best birthdays ever!
We had our season 3 premiere up in SF with the Boys and Girls Club! We all got to stay at Skywalker Ranch together, it was like going to summer camp, but it was super fancy!
This is one of my favorite photos! It's so sweet and fun! It really captures the joy that this show has brought us over the past 7 years!
This was right after our panel at San Diego Comic Con in Hall H that was hosted and televised by G4! Whew, I was so nervous!
Here we are at another screening. This was right before the holidays and we also turned it into a toy drive!
This trip was so much fun because we all traveled together to Dallas Fan Days! This show has taken us all over the nation!
We were nominated for our first ever Annie Awards! To celebrate the occasion, Lucasfilm got us a Limo and we rode to the award show in style! We didn't win but afterwards we celebrated with In N Out Burger! My favorite!
The season 4 premiere at the Long Beach Aquarium was SO much fun! Our season premiere's have taken us to so many different and unique locations and this one was incredible!
Dave came to Disney's Star Wars Weekends on his birthday and Captain Rex surprised him on stage with a cake! The entire audience sang Happy Birthday to him!
It's funny, Matt Lanter really thinks he has the Force and he likes to walk around trying to use it...
Being a part of Disney's Star Wars Weekends for the past several years has truly been an honor! I've had a blast getting to co-host the event with my dear friend, James Arnold Taylor!
This is truly one of my favorite photos and I think you can probably figure out why... I still can't believe I am even in this photo. That was such a special day and I was beyond honored to be a part of the Grand Opening Festivities!
We record all of our lines in Los Angeles but every now and then, we get to visit Big Rock, where they make The Clone Wars! My husband David and I got to go for a visit. It's SO beautiful!
This is what happens when Dave Filoni is not around...
This premiere was SO special! One of the main reasons we've been able to reach 100 episodes is because of the fan support! It was awesome to have our premiere with the fans at SWCVI!
Me and the boys backstage before the Clone Wars cast panel! These guys make me laugh so hard and I feel so blessed to have them as my band of brothers! They always look out after me and they are all true gentlemen.
This photo made me laugh! We were at a press conference for SWCVI and obviously we were asked a question we couldn't answer, but look at our expressions, especially Sam's. I wish I knew what everyone was thinking!
Backstage after Smuggler's Gambit, we ran into the Wolfpack. It was an amazing moment at the most unlikely of locations!
This was an amazing night! We were nominated for a Critics Choice Award. We did not win but it was a lot of fun to get together and get dressed up! I got to sit with my two Skyguys!
Tracy Cannobbio is our publicist for The Clone Wars! She prefers to stay behind the scenes but for my blog post, it's essential that I show one of my favorite women! Tracy is just incredible and has been one of the biggest supporters of our show. She is a true inspiration to me!
Some of my fondest memories are from the studio! We are very fortunate to record episodes as a cast and we've really bonded after working together for 7 years!
Sometimes we have too much fun in the studio! Dave never actually knows, who is going to show up for work!
Just like Ahsoka is Anakin's padawan, I feel like Dave Filoni's padawan. He is such an incredible director and he has taught me so much. I'm not sure what's next for me, but I feel like my teacher has prepared me well. I've been blessed to have such a great mentor!
Well, now that I've officially bored you with all of my photos, I cannot sign off without saying thank you! We would not have been able to reach this milestone of 100 episodes without your support. Being a part of this show has changed my life and each and everyone one of you have been a part of this journey. I hope you enjoy the rest of Season 5! The season is about to get really intense, including some stuff with Ahsoka... :o
Ashley Eckstein is the voice of Ahsoka Tano on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and also the founder of Her Universe, the first merchandise line made exclusively for female Star Wars fans! You can follow Ashley on Facebook and Twitter.
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{:title=>"The Bad Batch", :url=>""}{:title=>"Disney+", :url=>""}
{:title=>"The Bad Batch", :url=>""}{:title=>"Disney+", :url=>""}
{:title=>"The Bad Batch", :url=>""}{:title=>"Disney+", :url=>""}