Unlike the spindly battle droids, whose humanoid builds allow them a degree of versatility, droidekas are designed with one sole function in mind: the complete annihilation of their targets. Slung at the end of heavy arms are immense twin blasters, which unleash destructive energy at a pounding pace. The destroyer droid can completely envelope itself in a globe of protective energy via its compact deflector shield generators, though at the expense of its mobility. Although slow and awkward on its three-legged gait, the droideka can transform into a much speedier, disk-shaped form.
Height: 1.83m

Originally built by the Colicoids, destroyer droids – generally known as droidekas -- were among the most formidable Separatist battle droids, feared for their deadly combination of speed, firepower and defensive capabilities. Even Jedi gave these killing machines a wide berth.

Fortunately for the Republic, droidekas were far more expensive than other Separatist droids, and so encountered much more rarely on the battlefield. Separatist commanders used them in a range of roles, sending them into battle as heavy infantry and reinforcements and employing them as bodyguards and even executioners.

During the Clone Wars, both Jedi and clones learned techniques for thwarting destroyers, figuring out how to penetrate their shields and use their own capabilities against them.
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