"Point of No Return" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars – Season 5, Episode 13
"You must trust in others or success is impossible."
R2-D2 and his team must stop a sabotaged Jedi cruiser from destroying a crucial Republic conference.
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The fugitive Ahsoka escapes to the criminal depths of Coruscant.
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As the Republic military takes over the Temple bombing case, Ahsoka finds herself at odds with Admiral Tarkin.
"Sabotage" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
Anakin and Ahsoka investigate a deadly bombing at the Jedi Temple.
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Using Duchess Satine as bait, Darth Maul lures Obi-Wan into a trap.
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"Eminence" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
Savage and Maul forge an alliance with Death Watch to target a common enemy: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"Missing in Action" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
In a nearly vacant town, R2-D2 and his team find a clone commando suffering from amnesia.
"A Sunny Day in the Void" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
After a comet damages their shuttle, R2-D2, Colonel Gascon, and the other droids crash on a desolate planet where they must make their way across a bewildering expanse of emptiness to carry out their mission.
"Secret Weapons" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
R2-D2 is part of a team of Republic droids chosen for an important mission led by the diminutive Colonel Gascon to obtain an encryption module from a Separatist dreadnought. The droids must overcome numerous challenging obstacles to succeed in this crucial assignment.
"A Necessary Bond" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
When General Grievous launches a full-scale attack on the pirate base on Florrum, Ahsoka and the younglings fight side-by-side with Hondo and his pirates to turn back the Separatist forces.
"Bound for Rescue" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
With Ahsoka captured by Hondo's pirates, the younglings work together to infiltrate the pirates' den, using their wits and courage to deceive Hondo Ohnaka and launch a daring rescue.
"A Test of Strength" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
As the younglings return from Ilum with Ahsoka, their ship comes under attack by Hondo's gang of pirates. The children must use ingenious and improvised traps to thwart the brigands.
"The Gathering" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
Ahsoka escorts a group of younglings to Ilum, where they will learn from Yoda and undergo a crucial rite of passage: the construction of their lightsabers. They grapple with both physical and inner challenges as they face the dangerous task ahead of them.
"Tipping Points" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
As a full-scale revolt embroils Onderon, the rebels strike a decisive blow against the planet's Separatist-aligned king. Unfortunately for the rebels, such victory comes at a high price.
"The Soft War" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
After a rebel attempt to rescue Onderon's true king, Ramsis Dendup, an unexpected ally steps forward to halt Dendup's execution and aid the rebel cause.
"Front Runners" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
Supervised by Ahsoka, the Onderon rebels infiltrate the capital and carry out a series of strikes on targets throughout the city. As the Separatist-aligned king comes under increasing pressure to deal with the growing rebellion, the rebels choose a new leader.
"A War on Two Fronts" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Rex travel to Onderon, a world under Separatist control. There, they will train a group of insurgent rebels -- including Lux Bonteri -- to help take back the capital city of Iziz from the rule of a duplicitous king.
"Revival" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars
Fueled by vengeance and rage, the newly reunited brothers Savage Opress and Darth Maul spread terror and violence across the galaxy. As the Sith brothers forcibly recruit Hondo Ohnaka and his pirates, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia chase them down, leading to a deadly confrontation.
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