Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars: A New Hope with iMessage stickers! Express yourself with classic phrases from the original Star Wars film. Layer stickers over your photos to compose images for your friends and family.
- SEND stickers in chat
- PLACE stickers anywhere on your iMessages
- CUSTOMIZE your photos with stickers in chat
- LAYER stickers over each other, in chat, and on photos
- SCALE & ROTATE stickers
Stickers Include:
1. Princess Leia “Rebel”
2. Trench scene “Almost there”
3. Luke Skywalker “I’m here to rescue you.”
4. Chewbacca
5. Han Solo “Great kid!”
6. Darth Vader “Disturbing!”
7. C-3PO “We’re doomed.”
8. Obi-Wan “Hello there.”
9. “I got a bad feeling about this.”
10. Grand Moff Tarkin “Charming to the last.”
11. Rebel symbol “Resist”
12. Greedo “Going somewhere?”
13. “Use the Force”
14. Cantina Band
15. R2-D2
16. Tusken Raider
17. X-Wing & Death Star “Yes!”
18. Cantina scene “Cheers”
19. Darth Vader “Now I am the master”
20. “Let the wookiee win”
21. Jawas “Utinni!”
22. “This bickering is pointless!”
23. Imperial Cog Symbol
24. C-3PO “Thank the maker!”
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