A no-nonsense and occasionally prickly woman who is a crack shot with a blaster rifle, Val may be the most even-headed and capable member of Tobias Beckett's ragtag crew of scoundrels.
Height: 1.57m

An explosives expert with a mysterious past, Val knew the perils of trusting outsiders and taking unnecessary risks. On Mimban, a young mudtrooper named Han Solo realized Val, Rio Durant and Tobias Beckett weren’t Imperials but ship thieves. Val, all too aware that Beckett had a sentimental streak, noted coolly that the gang now had to kill Han.

Instead, Beckett allowed Han and Chewbacca to join them in stealing coaxium from an Imperial conveyex on Vandor. Val’s job – which demanded all her skill as a saboteur -- was to blow a bridge along the conveyex track while the others decoupled a cargo car for Rio Durant to carry off with an AT-hauler. Unfortunately, Enfys Nest’s Cloud-Riders were also after the shipment, and their arrival roused Imperial Viper probes – with Val in a dangerously exposed position.

Pinned down, her grappling gun lost in the probe assault, and running out of options, Val completed her part of the mission, sacrificing herself by triggering the explosives lining the bridge.