A Twi'lek child who lived on the planet Ryloth during the Clone Wars, Numa escaped being captured by the Separatist droid army by hiding in tunnels beneath the town of Nabat. Two clone troopers from Ghost Company -- Boil and Waxer -- discovered Numa while on a recon mission. She showed them the tunnels, which Obi-Wan Kenobi then used to free the Twi'lek prisoners and defeat the town's Separatist occupiers.
Height: 1.0m
General Cham Syndulla deemed Numa to be one of his greatest soldiers, and brought her along on a mission to steal an the Quasar Fire-Class Cruiser-Carrier with the Ghost crew. While Syndulla secretly planned on destroying the ship, Numa and her fellow soldier Gobi eventually stood with the rebels, and Cham came to his senses. Together, they both stole the ship and destroyed an Imperial light cruiser over Ryloth, giving the rebels a much-needed large-scale craft and the people of Ryloth a symbol of hope.