Want to meet your favorite Star Wars authors and take home some cool giveaways? Set your hyperspace coordinates for booth 1211!
Docking Bay 94. Cell Block 1138. Booth 1211.
If you're wondering, the latter is the latest key Star Wars destination: the Star Wars Celebration booth for publishers Del Rey and Penguin Random House Audio, which is set to feature author signings, giveaways, and much more! Check out StarWars.com's preview and schedule below!
Del Rey Books
2015 Book Sampler -- Beginning Friday, come by the booth to pick-up a convention sampler featuring excerpts of Del Rey’s exciting Star Wars novels. The sampler features all-new cover art by Phil Noto. Get a sneak peek at soon-to-be-published novels like Lords of the Sith and Dark Disciple.
Double Sided Poster -- One side features Matt Taylor’s terrific cover art for Christie Golden’s upcoming Star Wars: Dark Disciple, and the other features a stunning full-color version of the new Star Wars Books timeline.
Collectible Pins -- Each day, Del Rey will be giving away one pin featuring the art from a recent or upcoming Del Rey novel!
- Thursday: A New Dawn
- Friday: Tarkin
- Saturday: Heir to the Jedi
- Sunday: Lords of the Sith
Pins featuring art from Dark Disciple and Aftermath will be available all four days, but only with proof of preorder of Dark Disciple and/or Aftermath. Collect them all (while supplies last)!
Free Books -- In addition to the other giveaways, free books will be available at the Del Rey booth all weekend long! (All giveaways limited, while supplies last.)
Saturday, April 18: Aaron Allston Tribute Day -- Help celebrate and pay tribute to the late author Aaron Allston. Wear an aloha shirt, attend Del Rey's Aaron Allston tribute panel, and visit the booth for free copies of Star Wars: X-Wing: Mercy Kill. And whether you are attending Celebration or not, share your aloha shirt photos with the hashtag #alohaaaron.
Penguin Random House Audio
Record Your Own Audiobook -- Visit the Penguin Random House Audio booth to try your hand at recording a Star Wars audiobook in a recording booth! Penguin Random House will record you as you read, and send you your clip after the convention. You'll be able to share your Star Wars audiobook narration with friends and family! Visit the recording booth during the following hours:
- Thursday, April 16: 12 a.m. -. 2 p.m., 3 p.m. -.5 p.m.
- Friday, April 17 / Saturday, April 18: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
- Sunday, April 19: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Prize Wheel -- All weekend, visit the booth and take a chance to win free Star Wars buttons, bumper stickers, Star Wars headphones, and more!
In addition to the other giveaways listed, Del Rey will also being handing out some special items on behalf of Marvel, including:
- Star Wars, Darth Vader, and Princess Leia Promotional Pins
- Star Wars Previews comic, featuring free previews of Star Wars, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, and Kanan: The Last Padawan!
- Two mini-posters featuring Marvel’s hit series Star Wars, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, and Kanan: The Last Padawan

All weekend, Star Wars authors will be signing at the Del Rey booth, or at the official Celebration Bookstore (run by Mysterious Galaxy). Entry into all the signings is free and lines begin forming about 10 minutes prior to the signing times.
So, remember -- if you want enough events and activities to fill a space cruiser, head to booth 1211!
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