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Customers for the A300 and related models have ranged from the Pyke Syndicate to the Rebel Alliance. default Admiral Raddus A gruff Mon Calamari officer, Raddus commands the rebel starfleet before the Battle of Yavin, working to knit a hodgepodge of ships into a military force and arrange the delivery of new capital ships to the Alliance. Raddus has little patience for the rebel council’s endless committee meetings. As he sees it, military muscle is the key to defeating the Empire, not stirring speeches. default Alliance High Command The uppermost ranks of the Rebel Alliance are known as High Command, and include both military officers and a cabinet of senators who serve as ministers. As Alliance chief of state, Mon Mothma sits at the pinnacle of High Command, but encourages open discussion and even debate among her military and civilian advisors. default AT-ACT walker A larger version of the standard combat AT-AT, the AT-ACT walker features a dedicated cargo bed for the transportation of heavy building materials or combat munitions. It was deployed at major Imperial construction projects, such as shipyards and sprawling research installations. default Bail Organa Na'vi Name: A member of Alderaan's royal family and the planet's representative to the Republic Senate since the time of the Clone Wars, Bail Organa earned respect on Coruscant for his honesty and his commitment to justice. Prior to the fall of the Republic, Bail served alongside Senator Padmé Amidala as a member of Chancellor Palpatine's Loyalist Committee. The two became close friends, and recruited like-minded allies to prevent Palpatine's alarming grabs for power. At the end of the war, Bail Organa adopted Padmé's daughter Leia and raised her as an Alderaanian princess. While representing Alderaan in the Imperial Senate, he continued to work secretly with allies such as Mon Mothma and Ahsoka Tano to assist rebel cells scattered across the galaxy, working towards the day that a unified Rebellion could emerge. default Base One Some time after abandoning Dantooine, Alliance High Command transferred operations to a new headquarters on the jungle moon of Yavin 4. There, stone temples built by a now-vanished species have been transformed into hangars, barracks and a command center. From Base One, as the Massassi site is known, rebel leaders direct the fight against the Empire. default Baze Malbus Na'vi Name: The harsh reality of his Imperial-occupied home world has hardened Baze Malbus into a pragmatic soldier and a crack shot with his heavy repeater cannon. Baze has a bravado that provides a marked contrast to the spiritual centeredness of his best friend and moral compass, Chirrut Îmwe. default Baze Malbus' MWC-35c Repeating Cannon Baze Malbus has abandoned the ancient ways of the Guardians of the Whills, taking up an inelegant weapon for a less civilized age. His “Staccato Lightning” repeating cannon uses a belt of galven circuitry and a refrigerant tank to deliver the equivalent of five laser rifles’ worth of destructive firepower, making Baze a one-man wrecking crew in battle and an agent of retribution for the Empire’s evils. default Beezer Fortuna Notable for his desiccated lekku, Beezer Fortuna helps Saw Gerrera with operational planning. He is a cousin of Bib Fortuna, but has chosen to fight the Empire rather than seek profit in its shadows. Inspired by the Twi’lek guerrilla Cham Syndulla, Beezer fought the Imperial occupation of Ryloth and was freed from captivity by Saw Gerrera’s partisans. default Bistan The efforts of the Rebellion have drawn warriors from across the galaxy, fighting to liberate their homes and free their people from the oppression of the Empire. Though Bistan wants to ensure the freedom of fellow lakaru, truth is, he’d rather fight no matter what, relishing the thrill of action. default BlasTech A280-CFE Cassian Andor is an experienced soldier and a well-trained sniper, and uses a weapon that allows him to switch missions as events demand. His A280-CFE (covert field edition) pistol can be augmented with an extended barrel, stock and sight, turning the sidearm into a rifle ideal for eliminating targets at long range. default Bodhi Rook Na'vi Name: A former Imperial pilot, Bodhi has strong piloting and technical skills that he will put to use for the Rebellion. Ever practical, but highly anxious, Bodhi must gather his courage to bring the battle to the Empire. Show More Loading...