The Ewoks are sentient furred bipeds native to the moon of Endor. They are curious individuals that stand about one meter tall. They are extremely skilled in forest survival and the construction of primitive technology like gliders and catapults. They are quick learners when exposed to advanced technology, however. The Ewoks accepted members of the Rebel Alliance into their tribe, and allied themselves to their cause. The Ewoks helped in the ground battle to destroy the Imperial shield generator built in their forests, and their primitive weapons felled the stormtroopers and the scout walkers of the Empire. Their help paved the way to victory at the Battle of Endor.

When the Empire established operations on the Forest Moon of Endor, it paid little attention to the native Ewoks, considering them a primitive species that posed no threat. But the Imperials would pay dearly for that arrogant assessment. When the Empire captured the rebel strike team assigned to destroy the shield generator defending the Death Star, the Ewoks rose up against the Imperials. Though armed only with bows and spears, they used their knowledge of the forests to great effect, ambushing stormtroopers and constructing traps that brought down scout walkers. Without these furry warriors’ aid, the second Death Star would never have been destroyed.
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