Jango Fett
In the final years of the Republic, Jango Fett was regarded as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. A proficient marksman and unarmed combatant, Fett was covered in a sleek armored suit that concealed his scarred face. His combat gear featured an arsenal of weaponry, including retractable wrist blades, a snare, dual blaster pistols and other more exotic tools of the trade. In combat, Jango used his harnessed jetpack to gain the advantage of speed and height over his enemies. The backpack also carried a nasty surprise -- an explosive rocket could be launched from it. For interstellar travel, Jango traveled aboard his well-worn starship, Slave I.
Height: 1.83m
Blaster Rifle
Z-6 Jetpack
Flame Thrower

On Coruscant, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker captured Zam Wesell, a shapeshifting assassin who’d tried to kill Padmé Amidala. But before the Jedi could interrogate Wesell, a mysterious figure in Mandalorian armor shot her dead with a toxic dart. The strange weapon led Obi-Wan to the waterworld of Kamino, where he discovered a galaxy-shaking secret. Supposedly on Jedi orders, the Kaminoans had created an army of clones using the genetic material of a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. When Obi-Wan confronted Jango, he recognized him as the killer he’d tracked from Coruscant. Jango said the Kaminoans had recruited him through a man named Tyranus. Obi-Wan tried to bring Jango back to Coruscant for questioning, but he escaped with his “son” Boba, actually an unaltered clone. Obi-Wan tracked them to Geonosis, evading a fusillade of fire from the Fetts’ starship Slave I. There, he discovered Jango was working with Count Dooku’s Separatists. Jango defended Dooku during the battle with the Jedi, but proved no match for Mace Windu, who struck off his head with one swing of his amethyst-bladed lightsaber. But Jango’s legacy lived on through the millions of clones that became the Grand Army of the Republic.
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