A Wookiee Jedi Master, Kelnacca has sequestered himself in the tangled jungles of Khofar. He is a loner who lives a solitary life.
Height: 2.29m

Toward the end of The High Republic, Master Kelnacca served on a mission to the world of Brendok. On a crew led by Jedi Master Indara, and including her Padawan Torbin and Jedi Knight Sol, Kelnacca assisted in the investigation of a vergence in The Force, repaired their gear, and roasted nunas by the campfire. But after the discovery of a coven of witches and their young twins, Mae and Osha Aniseya, everything changed. Kelnacca and his team entered the witches’ fortress on the night of a special ritual called Ascension. Soon after, Torbin intruded on the fortress for a second time, convinced that The Twins were the proof the Jedi needed to end their mission.

Kelnacca, Indara, and Sol followed their comrade to the compound. But after their leader, Mother Aniseya was killed during the night, the remaining witches used their powers to possess Kelnacca’s mind. In his altered state, he ignited his Lightsaber and fought Sol and Torbin, gravely injuring the Padawan in the process. Afterwards, Kelnacca retreated to the world of Khofar, where he made his home in a piece of old wreckage, scrawling the symbol of the Ascension on every open surface and keeping himself far from civilization…until the Stranger found him.