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Although she walked away from the Jedi Order, she continued to stand up for those fighting for peace and justice in the galaxy long after the fall of the Republic. default Armorer's equipment Na'vi Name: Hidden far below the surface of the planet Nevarro, the deftly skilled Armorer's cryo-furnace still burns, utilizing an assortment of tools of the trade, from magnetic tongs to a precise gravity hammer, to forge armor in the tradition of the Mandalorian ancestors. default Armorer's workshop The Armorer's workshop on the planet Nevarro is tucked away deep underground in the passageways of the sewer system. Marked by a beskar mythosaur skull, here a clan of Mandalorians gather in secret. default Artillery Stormtrooper Na'vi Name: Specialized soliders in the Imperial forces, artillery stormtroopers carry specialized indirect fire weapons like mortars onto the battlefield. From cover, they can lob explosives of difference types at a high angle to fall at precisely calculated coordinates. default Arvala-7 On the frontier world of Arvala-7, the cracked landscape of hardened mud gives way to dust clouds and viscous mud flats. The planet is sparsely populated, but intrepid vapor farmers eke out a meager living, trading with Jawa settlers. default AT-ST Walker Na'vi Name: While not as imposing as its larger AT-AT walker cousin, the AT-ST nonetheless served as a significant addition to the Imperial side of battlefields in the Galactic Civil War. The two-man craft is lightly armed with chin-mounted laser cannons, and side-mounted weapon pods. The two-legged transport, dubbed the scout walker by many, serves as a reconnaisance and patrol vehicle, often flanking approaching AT-ATs and mopping up infantry that sneaks past the larger walkers. The Imperials used AT-STs in both the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor. default Beskar Na'vi Name: Mandalorian armor forged from beskar can withstand blaster bolts, nearly impenetrable protection that made the warrior class difficult to defeat at the height of their power. After the fall of the Empire, the nearly indestructible steel is harder to come by. default Beskar spear Na'vi Name: Formerly wielded by Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth, a beskar spear rings with distilled purity when struck against other beskar. Not only can it withstand lightsaber blows; it is capable of piercing Mandalorian armor. default Blurrg Blurrgs are two-legged beasts of burden found on a number of worlds in the galaxy. Stoic and strong, they are used for everything from agricultural labor to war, foraging lazily in paddocks or carrying Twi'lek guerrillas and clone troopers into battle. Although they appear harmless and docile, their toothy mouths can betray a fierce demeanor; females are known to devour the males of the species during mating season. default Bo-Katan Kryze Na'vi Name: A gifted warrior, Bo-Katan Kryze is a legendary Mandalorian. She has been fighting for the future of Mandalore since the Clone Wars, wearing armor that has been in her family for generations. The last of her line, she once wielded the Darksaber as the leader of the Mandalorian resistance in the age of rebellion. At the dawn of the New Republic, she led a team of Clan Kryze Mandalorians striking back at the Imperial remnant.Though her mission to retake Mandalore has faltered with the loss of the Darksaber, Bo-Katan finds newfound purpose and focus with the help of the Mandalorian Din Djarin, who won the blade in battle with Moff Gideon. default Boba Fett Na'vi Name: With his customized Mandalorian armor, deadly weaponry, Boba Fett was once regarded as one of the most fearsome and capable bounty hunters in the galaxy. An unaltered genetic clone of his father, bounty hunter Jango Fett, Boba learned combat and martial skills from a young age. Over the course of his career, which included contracts for the Empire and the criminal underworld, he became a legend. Although Fett seemingly met his demise in the Sarlacc pit on Tatooine after falling into the Great Pit of Carkoon, Boba survived the beast and lived to reclaim his armor, taking over the throne at Jabba's Palace. default Boba Fett's starship Na'vi Name: A powerful pursuit craft made famous by Jango Fett in the days of the Republic, this ship was inherited by Boba Fett for his career as a bounty hunter. The aged but effective ship is loaded with hidden defensive and offensive weaponry and equipment, and has a reputation earned from decades of successfully capturing fugitives. Show More Loading...